How to Play

How to Enter a Tournament

1. Select a Game

On the Game List Page scroll down and select the game you want to play.

2. Select a Tournament Category & Type

On the Game Page, select a Game Category (Practice, Free, Head-to-Head or Tournament).

The Tournament category allows you to select from Limited Entry or Sprint Tournament Types.

To play a practice game click the PLAY NOW button above the tournament selection boxes.

3. Select a Tournament

Choose a tournament by clicking the blue "View Details" button.

4. Enter the Tournament

Start the game by clicking the "Play Now" button.
For older computers, for instance those running Windows XP, use a FireFox browser and Click the "Click Here for Unity Version." This will display an orange Play button.

Tournament Categories


Tournaments are competitions that you can use Game Tokens to enter and that award Prize Tickets to the winner or winners.

Head-to-Head Tournaments

Head-to-Head Tournaments are 2 seat tournaments that you can create and personalize. After Creating a tournament, challenge a friend or another TG Player to see who will take the victory. Your opponent will be sent a challenge invitation and the tournament is open for 7 days. In the event that your opponent does not accept your challenge, your entry fee is refunded back to your game token balance.

Practice Tournaments

Practice Games are games that allow you to learn how to play the games or improve your gameplay before entering into tournaments. They do not require entry fees or pay out prize tickets. There are practice versions of all the games.

Types of Tournaments

Limited Entry Tournaments

Limited Entry Tournaments are tournaments with a set amount of seats available. When the set number of entries are filled, the tournament ends and the highest scoring player is awarded their prize tickets.

Sprint Tournaments

Sprint Tournaments are tournaments that are won by hitting or passing a specific target score. When the target score is achieved, the tournament ends and that player is awarded their prize tickets.

Head-to-Head Tournaments

Head-to-Head Tournaments are 2 seat tournaments that are open to anyone to compete in. These fast paced player vs. player competitions are much like the Head-to-Head Challenges, but do not require a challenge invite for entry.

Mega-Winner Jackpot Tournaments

Mega-Winner Jackpot Tournaments are fast paced tournaments where there can be up to a hundred winners. Win prize tickets for each placement you qualify for in the tournament standings.

Challenge Head-to-Head Tournaments

These tournaments are special 2 player tournaments that either other players have challenged you to play or that you have created and challenged others to. They still last for seven day just like the other Head-to-Head Tournaments but only the player who sent the challenge and the player that was challenged are allowed to enter the tournament.

Viewing Your Challenges

You can view and enter into your current open Challenge Tournaments on the My Challenges page. The Head-to-Head Icon at the top right of the screen will take you to the My Challenges page.

Each tournament will be listed with the Username of the player who created the challenge first followed by the username of the player that was challenged.

Creating a Challenge

1.Select a Game

The Create Challenge page will allow you to select a game for your challenge.

2. Choose an Entry Fee

Next select the how many game tickets are required for entry. In the event that one player in a challenge does not play their entry, the entry fee paid for that tournament is refunded when the tournament closes after 7 days.

3. Select an Opponent

You can select an opponent by:

  • Clicking a Player's Username in the Opponents List
  • Typing in a Player's Username
  • Typing in an Email Address of Someone You Know*

*Use this option to invite friends who are not registered with TG.

4. Personalize & Send

Then simply type in a personalized message that will be sent to the person you challenged in their Challenge Invitation.

Click Send Challenge and your challenge is instantly created and an invitation sent to the person that you challenged.

Tournament Games Virtual Currency

Promo Tokens

Promo Tokens

Promo Tokens (PT) are a virtual currency. They are won in special Free Tournaments that are featured from time to time. They can be used to convert into Game Tokens during special promotions.

Game Tokens

Game Tokens

Game Tokens (GT) are a virtual currency. Use them for entry into Prize Tournaments. You get them by making a purchase and they are added to your Game Tokens balance.

Prize Tickets

Prize Tickets

Prize Tickets(PT) are are a virtual currency you receive from winning in a tournament competition.