Redeem Prize Tickets

Converting Prize Tickets to Game Tokens

If you have accumulated Prize Tickets but are out of Game Tokens, you can continue to play in the prize tournaments. The cost of a tournament will automatically be deducted from your Prize Ticket Balance once your Game Tokens have depleated.


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WARNING: Incorrect information can result in lost or returned Prizes.
Your prize will be sent to the person named above and mailed to that specific address. If the name or address is incorrect or incomplete, click here to modify the information.


Prize Ticket Summary

To be eligible for redemption you must meet TG Prize Tickets terms and conditions.

  • Have year to date total Prize Ticket balance greater than 1000 or won prizes from prize tickets tournaments with a value equivalent to more than $10.00.
  • Have previously purchased Game Tokens.
  • Have a total awarded prize value for the year that does not exceed 10 times your year to date Game Token purchases.

Redeem Your Prize Tickets for Gifts

Universal Gift Cards

Universal Gift Cards

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Gift Cards

Location Specific Gift Cards

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Tournament Games Virtual Currency

Promo Tokens

Promo Tokens

Promo Tokens (PT) are a virtual currency. They are won in special Free Tournaments that are featured from time to time. They can be used to convert into Game Tokens during special promotions.

Game Tokens

Game Tokens

Game Tokens (GT) are a virtual currency. Use them for entry into Prize Tournaments. You get them by making a purchase and they are added to your Game Tokens balance.

Prize Tickets

Prize Tickets

Prize Tickets(PT) are are a virtual currency you receive from winning in a tournament competition.